Typesetter Blues is a 3-minute animated short starring a likeable monster named Harold in a sad little love story. It was the inaugural film for Together, and came out of a lot of brainstorming, and a quick napkin-scribbling moment. I wrote it in rhyming verse and you could say it's for adults who've maintained their child-like delight, or for precocious kids.

It was a great thrill to hear Gordon Pinsent narrate Typesetter Blues.

Produced in partnership with our awesome friends at Varipix, Typesetter Blues is the first “chapter” in the silly rhyme collection “Beastly Bards”. It won a Adobe Design Achievement Awards (Innovation in Motion and Video in Education) for my partner in crime, Hector Herrera, and also screened at TAAFI (Toronto Animation Arts Festival International).

You can find out more about the Beastly Bards project here.


WORDS: Pazit Cahlon

PICTURES: Hector Herrera

VOICE: Gordon Pinsent

MUSIC: Jayme Stone

PRODUCER: Pazit Cahlon

ANIMATION: Hector Herrera

3D ANIMATION: Shadi Didi

PRODUCTION PARTNER: Blaine Philippi/Varipix

MUSIC: Jayme Stone (Banjo), Dexter Payne (Clarinet, percussion), Grant Gordy (Guitar)

VOICE RECORD: Adam Harendorf and Greg Arnold at Voodoo Highway Music & Post

SOUND MIX: Brian Pickett and Greg Arnold at Voodoo Highway Music & Post

VOICE DIRECTOR: Dee Shipley at Dee and Company